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Product & Design

Our comprehensive coverage of the digital landscape extends to a wide array of roles, including Product Managers and Front-End Developers. We are dedicated to sourcing and engaging the most exceptional talent in these fields.

For Product leaders, we understand the critical role they play in driving product strategy, development and success. Whether it's shaping the product roadmap, conducting market research, or collaborating with cross-functional teams, we have a keen eye for identifying skilled Chief Product Officers and Senior Product Managers who possess a strong blend of technical acumen, strategic thinking and a customer-centric and data-driven mindset. Our expertise in this area ensures that we connect you with individuals who can effectively lead and deliver outstanding digital products.

In the realm of Front-End Development, we recognise the vital importance of creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces. Our network consists of highly proficient Front-End Developers who possess a deep understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Angular, Node.js and other cutting-edge technologies. They excel at translating design concepts into seamless and responsive web experiences. Whether it's optimising website performance, implementing responsive layouts, or ensuring cross-browser compatibility, we are equipped to connect you with talented Front-End Developers who can bring your digital visions to life.

By broadening our reach to encompass Product Managers and Front-End Developers, alongside our existing expertise in areas such as SEO, UX/UI and social media. We ensure that we cover the entire digital spectrum meeting your organisations diverse talent needs.

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Robert Clark
Founder and Director
+44 (0) 203 854 9102
+1 (646) 980-4633

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